The demands of retouching can stretch in-house teams past their limits. Opal Images can help you bridge the gap.
We can process up to 1000 e-commerce images a day at whatever deliverable specs you and your vendors require. We do expert color changes, background swaps, and image crops.
We also specialize in high-end compositing. Whether your product is difficult to capture in one shot, or supply chain issues have forced your creative team to art direct after the fact, we can help. Reach out to us to chat about retouching.
Standard retouching
Sometimes a light touch is all that is needed. Our standard retouching includes thorough clean ups, knock outs, and color correction.
We deliver custom crops, with your specific padding, color space, resolution, and file format.
It is not always possible to get every sample you need for a shoot. Whatever the cause of the problem, we can solve it. Our expert compositors can swap apparel on models, graphics on products, and even models on set.
Color changes
Sometimes it can be more cost effective to photograph one color-way of a product and create the remaining color-ways in post. Sometimes sample availability forces our hands. Color is one of our specialties. We can match to PMS colors, hex codes, pre-existing imagery, and physical product.
When your product is difficult to capture in one shot, or when your location leaves some things to be desired, our expert compositors can still deliver the perfect image.
We create the perfect silhouette for your product, even if your samples are less than perfect.
Delivery specifications
We can accommodate all of your final-file specification needs for both web and print.